Through the invisible barrier
Between me and my wildest dreams
He sees clearly
And calls me in the middle of a thought
Breaking up the clouds
To show me
Between me and my wildest dreams
He sees clearly
And calls me in the middle of a thought
Breaking up the clouds
To show me
He draws an elegant map
With all the starts
And forms the finish—
With all the starts
And forms the finish—
Energy reader
He sees me
And hears the discordant engines
My mind runs on
Soothes them with
Just one slip of his tongue
The cogs then sing
In a tune
One I could listen to
Cycled on infinity—
He sees me
And hears the discordant engines
My mind runs on
Soothes them with
Just one slip of his tongue
The cogs then sing
In a tune
One I could listen to
Cycled on infinity—
And that's how you write a poem
About someone
Who makes you happy
For once
And only now
I realize
I've been fighting
My whole life
For control
Over this vessel
But I hand it over to him
And sleep, finally
About someone
Who makes you happy
For once
And only now
I realize
I've been fighting
My whole life
For control
Over this vessel
But I hand it over to him
And sleep, finally
With certainty
No better hands exist.
No better hands exist.
[If this seed bears fruit
I'll know because I won't ever need to tell you.]