Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Messenger (A Knight Carries; A King Weighs; A Queen Cradles)

In your childlike freedom, I possess you.
In our separateness is our embrace,
As a shadow to the sun.

Empty words fill the empty space.

A vision writhes in the primordial net
Of desire not yet made real—
At least, not to flesh.

I awoke from the dream with a wound I could feel;
One only ash and feathers could heal.


It is the heart’s intent.

Another mountain quest
Another Ark of the Covenant—treasure or vessel,

A locked vault. 

Wanted, sought.

Nested within 
An elegant chest.

Saturday, June 29, 2024


My lover has a secret door
behind the wet bar
to an underground library
with windows
ceiling to floor
into the shining black eyes of
enormous beasts
in a deep blue sea.

The creatures who visit me there
are eons old, all-knowing
and hungry
for company.

Friday, June 28, 2024


Six flames
to one name
folded quiet 
and tight
enveloped inside
blank but for
the charred tips of 
used matchsticks
which wrote charcoal scripts
to be known by
only their recipient.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Feedback signal

Among the pretty
delicate things
put up high on shelves
to shimmer in the dark
it is known
no beauty is spared
the camera obscura;
the careful observer,
though blessed with 
omnipotent sight
its fragile-glass eye overlooks
the time-smoothed ridges 
of cast brass bronze 
ornate raised relief,
golden filigree leaves,
the rippled lips, 
and fire-licked folds 
of an object
aware of itself
reflecting a quivering flame
in an ancient mold.