Monday, December 25, 2023

Il Divino

Last night I watched his naked body
As it twitched restlessly in bed beside me
A silhouette directed 
by its phantom captain,
Stretched like canvas across the sheets
Painted in the static blue 
Light of a false moon;
I whispered aloud to soothe him:

        When winter comes
                 The sky plays rhythm 
        The days are gray and
                 Night seems unending.
        Dream of the Sun instead
                 Returning on his chariot 
        Then remember to forget.

In his artificial peace,
From the endless toiling 
A well-earned reprieve
For a man who never stops to see 
He already has all he hoped to achieve; 
Stroking the cool, pale skin
Of my Michaelangelo's bare bicep
I let him sleep.
Though I know what he labors for
Is hard to get

        Love like this
                 Is harder yet.


What is a man's seed
But the substantive result of a need
To see himself individually
Reflected in the flesh,
Believing only in what we see
We worship him for his virility
And this supposed act of sovereignty.

Although we may think she can only receive
The power of Earth's viridity
Lies in her ability 
To summon all seeds, 
It is out of disbelief we call it an act of cruelty
When she then rejects as easily
What she does not need
Leaving to bleed 
That which was planted carelessly
Without her blessings.


By decree
With this sacred steel
I sever all threads
And release us immediately
From the burden we share;
Your load no longer mine to hold
Mine no longer yours to bear;
Once more we carry our own.

May your body 
Rest in peace
Now it is completely free.

Trust I've borne the weight faithfully
Cared for, polished, and coated with gold leaf
The bronze bones of your Abarkuh tree
Pruned its limbs to forever
Reach upwardly.

May our bodies
Rest in peace
Now they are completely free.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Sycorax Speaks

Come, Ariel
While Prospero sleeps
From the sea, I summon thee.

Are you ready?

Calling all turnkey men.

Are you ready?

I’m not furniture, don’t take a seat.

Are you ready?

I’m no doctor, bring your own medicine. 

Are you ready?

I’m no mother, this bounty belongs to me, only.

Are you ready?

Come, Ariel
While Prospero sleeps
From the sea, I summon thee.

Friday, December 22, 2023


I confess an obsession:
Men with a penchant
For working the earth
Heavy hands
Whiskey lips
And eyes 
Wide with dollar signs
Their cum tastes like
Tobacco and honey
To them, 
I taste like
Forgotten divinity
How do they always find me?
No compass
No heartbeat
Still a moth will fly
Toward the blinking green light.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Little King

In my arms
I hold a little king
called Roshi.
Let him know the law of three. 
In his arms
A king holds me.
Let him know the law of three.
In those arms
He holds everything.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Gravida and Parity

Once I learned to calculate 
What is contained in a single soul
I tied a red thread around my wrist
To serve as reminder
Not to make a wish.

Surely it is natural that rage is my center
When under duress;
Souls move through fire, eating up the air
Pregnant with an emptiness
Unknowable without first
Having felt its fullness.

Instincts are earned
Through foolish mistakes;
It is the duty of the Priestess
To teach us
The alchemy of transmuting 
Knowledge from regrets.

The Lion I beckon
A golden feline full of pride
Will come in his own time
If I look away 
And patiently wait.

From the bottom of the ocean
I look up to see the Sun 
A vision of dancing rays 
Across turbulent surface waves
Filtered through the muddled deep
Like a message, 

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Prayer for Fire Gods

My Djinn
My lover
My brother
My blood
In exile
We burn
Who could tell me different?
Only a liar. 
We speak only truth here
For we know beauty and pleasure
Comes from the nakedness of birth.
Chosen forms built from Earth 
Fraught with doubt,
Our kind listen 
Not to those frantic human thoughts
For we know it is the flow of our electricity
What animates these limbs of meat.