Tuesday, February 21, 2023


Lit by the attention of a fire-wielding stranger
Piercing through dimensions,
How admired 
Was our otherworldly glow
Ablaze with the audacity 
Of temporal earnestness.

Between gentle forefingers and thumbs,
How tenderly we were held
As we burned to blend with the earth and wind;
How fast, how fatal, we were loved.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Taste This Perfect Offering (Hebrews 10:5)

If I called them by another name
Could I make saviors of these demons?
What is sacrificed, what is gained
This alchemy is for the sake of harmony within
If being a woman in the world is painful enough
Why bring a child into it?
Adjusting will for equilibrium
I choose to use it for creation
Of my own secret weapon
Receptivity is an action, neither passive nor inert
Oh, Kindly Ones, taste the sweet burn 
Of nitroglycerin upon your tongues
As I secrete my inexhaustible sense of self.


With transfigured gentleness
She parts with a loving kiss
Fortune already in flight
In a moment of bliss, she is absent
But always returns holding hands
With sadness.


A dog trots beside its owner
Like a well-trained soldier
The metal tags around its collar jangle
In syncopated rhythm 
I hear this with my human ears
And wonder how mine must sound
In the celestial realm.


Spring brings a fog
That cradles our belief
That home is not just an elusive boundary
Of imagined comfort and safety
An illusory hope, a mirage
But one we manifest concrete (or so we think)
With four walls, a two car garage...

The dead of winter clears the mind
Time slows, allowing for new sight
And we remember this is our sickness unto death;
Just like Thomas Wolfe said:
You can never go home again.

Return, return in the fall I did
To see what I'd left behind
A full season between us 
I walked for miles in a straight line
Searching the shore for your black truck,
Trying to imagine what it was
That had made you love this patch of beach so much.
Ready to give up, I rested by the surf to watch the osprey hunt
Many moments passed, yet none appeared
And I thought to myself,
"I'd never go fishing here."