Friday, August 19, 2022


It's a black-tie affair
The tether of silk and leather
I choose to wear
Bound to my sovereignty
It strokes and chokes me gently
Until I am asleep.

The slippery cord 
uncoils from my neck
Before you wake me for another test
But in the darkness of our bed 
I hear a new voice instead
The one that I now answer to
And follow his instruction on what to do with you:

A quick snip

The line is dead

And finally, a good night's rest.

The shadow of your echo no longer haunts my ears

Blood rushes back to my head 

My mind soon clears

I take a deep breath—

And hold it in.

Now each morning
After he leaves with a quiet kiss
I look upon the threaded jewels 
Across my throat and wrists
As they sparkle brightly back at me—

It's another kind of kink
When I smile at the mirror
And wonder what you'd think.

Friday, August 12, 2022

The Lesson

Not even his famous irreverence
Could ever erase
Every touch, every taste, every sleight of face
I remember everything.

The past is our bind
A promise long left behind;
This lesson in possession
Is Jealousy's curse,
But she is just a mother and
He is just the child 
Who hides behind her skirt.

Who will love him? 
He wanders the earth blind
Across silver-scarred skies
Through jet streams
And silent goodbyes.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Shadows in kind

With humility and grace,
We enter the void to uncover
The treasures that await.
From restless toil and hunger,
It is all we create.